
Create rules for each customer based on why they want to cancel, lifetime value, product/plan, location, and much more.

Or you can simply turn over the logic to the RetentionEngine AI that will deliver the optimal treatment for each customer.

Save up to 61% of the customers who attempt to cancel!

Personalized + Optimized Cancel Flow

Create dynamic experiences that treat each customer just as you would if you were handling the cancel attempt in person.

Offer Personalized Discounts

Learn what works to retain customers and what doesn't. Quickly iterate on new ideas for making your subscription more sticky.

One-Click Pausing

Keep track of why customers are cancelling with ease. Use our no-code editing tool to quickly toggle on and off different reasons for cancelling so you can understand how your subscribers identify the issues/problems they are having.

Deliver Personalized Video Messages

With RetentionEngine, you can deliver video messages from your team to your customers.

- Personal video messages increase save rates up to 61%!

- Average completion rate for video under 60 seconds is 84!

Set Rules

Create rules for which treatments you want to deliver to customers. You can set certain treatments for each cancel reason, as well as chaining rules based on where the customer is, how much they've spent over their lifetime, how many renewals they've had, and which plan they are. All... without writing a single line of code.


RetentionEngine utilizes state-of-the-art AI (reinforcement learning models) that learn what treatments work best for different customers. Our AI will optimize itself to "solve the puzzle" of saving your customers.

Save More Customers

RetentionEngine increases the save rate of most subscription businesses by more than 30% and as high as 61%.

0ver 1,000+ Subscription companies are saving over $50,000,000 in Monthly Revenue